Be Part of Our New Study: "Ginseng Treatment for Fibromyalgia"
Dear Reader,
We recently completed our second study on the benefits of taking Recovery Factors®. The 100 participants in this study experienced results very similar to the 69% average increase in both well-being and energy that 60% of those in the first study experienced (download a PDF of the study). This initial study has been accepted for publication in The Open Pain Journal!
We are now launching our third study of the year. In this one, we will examine the effects of using a very powerful and unique form of Red Ginseng called HRG80™, which we have found to be quite helpful. People who join the study will participate from their homes, with no testing needed and at no cost whatsoever. Participants will receive four free bottles of the Red Ginseng as part of being in the study, and everybody will get the active treatment (no placebo). You only need to fill out a pre-and a post-study online form, with each taking about 15 minutes to complete. So it's easy as it can be!
What Is HRG80 Red Ginseng?
For over a thousand years, Wild Panax ginseng, as opposed to farmed ginseng, was the most popular herb in Asia. And for good reason! But it became so popular that the price for it rose to nearly $1,000 a pound, after which it could no longer be found. Unfortunately, the farmed ginseng simply did not have the active components that wild ginseng had, and so it was largely ineffective.
However, new aquaculture techniques have recently been developed that can reproduce the same active components that were in the superior, 17 years gone, wild ginseng. And we have found this new form to be remarkably helpful, as well as very safe and well tolerated. So we decided to perform a fibromyalgia study on it.
I invite you to enter the study today. In 4-6 weeks you can be feeling so much better!
[UPDATE AS OF THIS MORNING: There are only 24 remaining openings in this study.]
Joining the Study
The study will be limited to the first 100 people who submit qualifying pre-study forms. So we are giving you, our newsletter subscribers, a few days advanced invitation before we open it to the general public. (Note: I decided to do this study before the Smart Energy System™ study that I mentioned in previous newsletters. I look forward to launching that study in 3 to 6 months.)
Below is what you need to know to become a participant in the HRG80 Red Ginseng study:
- You can participate from home, but you must reside in the United States. There is no cost to be in the study, and you'll receive four free bottles of the ginseng supplement :-)
- No testing is required. You'll just fill out an online pre-study form that takes about 15 minutes to complete.
- A few weeks after we receive your pre-study form, if you are accepted, we'll ship you three free bottles of the ginseng supplement. You'll take one or two capsules a day (as feels best to you). You can continue with any other treatments you may be taking.
- After six weeks taking the daily supplement, you'll fill out another 15 minute online form to self-assess your symptoms.
- After we receive your self-assessment form, we'll ship you another free bottle of the ginseng supplement as our way of saying thank you for having participated.
It's as easy as it can be!
Qualifying to Be a Participant
To qualify to be in the study, you must meet the following:
- 18 years of age or older.
- Not pregnant.
- Reside in the United States.
- Have a diagnosis of CFS or fibromyalgia. (This can be a self diagnosis, which you can confirm yourself by taking our CFS/FMS Checklist quiz.)
- Rate your overall well-being as 5 or less on a 0 to 10 scale (zero being "practically dead" and 10 being perfectly healthy). If you rate yourself higher than five, you cannot be in the study.
Ready to fill out the pre-study questionnaire?
Thank you again for joining us in helping everyone with these conditions!
Love and blessings,
Dr. T

Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D. is one of the world's leading integrative medical authorities on fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. He is the lead author of eight research studies on their effective treatments, and has published numerous health & wellness books, including the bestseller on fibromyalgia From Fatigued to Fantastic! and The Fatigue and Fibromyalgia Solution. His newest book (June 10, 2024) is You Can Heal From Long COVID. Dr. Teitelbaum is one of the most frequently quoted fibromyalgia experts in the world and appears often as a guest on news and talk shows nationwide including Good Morning America, The Dr. Oz Show, Oprah & Friends, CNN, and Fox News Health.