Find a CFS/FMS Support Group

Fill in your search criteria below to search for a support group in your area. Click on the name in the search results for a complete profile of the support group. (Note: We do not ensure that this information is current. If you have a support group you would like to add, or if you are currently listed here but need to make a change in your information, please contact us.)

Name Full Namesort descending Organization City State
Ron Salyer/Annie Richter Ron Salyer/Annie Richter Southwest Ohio CFIDS/Fibromyalgia Group Middletown Ohio
Ron Salyer/Annie Richter Ron Salyer/Annie Richter Southwest Ohio CFIDS/Fibromyalgia Group Middletown Ohio
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Society of Illinois Ronald Gilbert Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Society of Illinois Skokie Illinois
Rosalee Benelli Rosalee Benelli Hayward/Tri-Cities CFIDS Support Group Hayward California
Rose Ann Green Rose Ann Green San Pedro California
FACES Rose Mary Igaraividez FACES Chicago Illinois
Rosie Greenberg Rosie Greenberg Montgomery Village Maryland
Shoals Area FMS/CFS Support Group Ruatha Harvey Shoals Area FMS/CFS Support Group Rogersville Alabama
Ruth Clark Ruth Clark Beloit Wisconsin
Ventura, CA CFIDS/FMS Support Group Ruth Hubiak Ventura, CA CFIDS/FMS Support Group Ventura California
Ruth Mckelvey Ruth Mckelvey Kittanning Pennsylvania
Fremont FM Support Group Ruth Miller Fremont FM Support Group Fremont California
Sabrina Dudley Johnson Sabrina Dudley Johnson Chicago Illinois
Sabrina Johnson Sabrina Johnson FACES (the Fibromyaglia Association Created for Education and Self-Help) Chicago Illinois
Sally Price Sally Price VA Peninsula Chronic Pain S.G. Newport news Virginia
Arthritis Foundation - FM/Lupus Educational Support Group Sandra Hayhurst Arthritis Foundation - FM/Lupus Educational Support Group San Diego California
Sandra Hill Sandra Hill New York New York
Sandra Jones Sandra Jones Palatine Illinois
Sandra Quillin Sandra Quillin Moline Illinois
Sandra Sprester Sandra Sprester Tolar Texas
Temecula Support Group Sandra Waller Temecula Support Group Temecula California
Mountain Home FMS Support Group Sandy Qualls Mountain Home FMS Support Group Mountain Home Arkansas
Evening FMS Support Group Sandy Smith Evening FMS Support Group Germantown Tennessee
Sara Hoffman Sara Hoffman Rochester Indiana
Fibromyalgia Action Comm. Team Sara Kramer Fibromyalgia Action Comm. Team Mobile Alabama
Sara Reynolds, MD Sara Reynolds, MD Phoenix Arizona
Fibromyalgia & CFIDS Support Group Sarah Guidish Fibromyalgia & CFIDS Support Group Centralia Illinois
FMS/CF Support Group - W. Albermarle Scott Harrelson FMS/CF Support Group - W. Albermarle Edenton North Carolina
Seattle CFS Support Group Seattle CFS Support Group Seattle CFS Support Group Seattle Washington
Seattle CFS Support Group Seattle CFS Support Group Seattle CFS Support Group Seattle Washington
Shanon McQuown Shanon McQuown Fredericksburg Area CFS/FM C.A.R.E. Group Stafford Virginia
Yamhill Cty FMS/CFIDS Support Group Sharon Attebarry Yamhill Cty FMS/CFIDS Support Group Newberg Oregon
Sharon B Maine Sharon B Maine West Edmeston New York
CFIDS Awareness & Support Services Sharon Horejs, RN CFIDS Awareness & Support Services Laguna Niguel California
Fibromyalgia Association of Scottsdale/NE Valley Sharon Howell Fibromyalgia Association of Scottsdale/NE Valley Phoenix Arkansas
Sharon Kozyra Sharon Kozyra East Amherst New York
Sharon Olsen Sharon Olsen Arthritis/FMS Support & Edu Grp. Kirkland Washington
Sharon Park Sharon Park San Francisco California
Western Lake Superior FM Support Group Sharon Peloquin Western Lake Superior FM Support Group Duluth Minnesota
Salina FMS/CFS Support Group Sharon Thelander Salina FMS/CFS Support Group Salina Kansas
Zephyr Hills FM Support Group Sharon Trapp or Marlene Wood or Erlene Burgin or Kayraen Ellen Zephyr Hills FM Support Group Zephyr Hills Florida
Fibromyalgia Association of Michigan Sharon Waldrop Fibromyalgia Association of Michigan Royal Oak Michigan
Shawn Bostani Shawn Bostani Playa Vista California
shawna Scott shawna Scott rio linda California
Fibromyalgia Association of Scottsdale / Northeast Valley, Inc. Sheila Fibromyalgia Association of Scottsdale / Northeast Valley, Inc. Phoenix Arizona
Sheila Robins Sheila Robins Margate New Jersey
Miami/Coral Gables Support Group Sheila Stevens Miami/Coral Gables Support Group West Miami Florida
Shelley Echtle Shelley Echtle North Texas Fibromyalgia Meetup & Support Group Forney Texas
Shelley Stein Shelley Stein North Texas Fibromyalgia Support Group Dallas Texas
Fillmore FM Support Group Sherleen Rose Fillmore FM Support Group Fillmore California
