Find a CFS/FMS Support Group

Fill in your search criteria below to search for a support group in your area. Click on the name in the search results for a complete profile of the support group. (Note: We do not ensure that this information is current. If you have a support group you would like to add, or if you are currently listed here but need to make a change in your information, please contact us.)

Name Full Name Organization Citysort ascending State
Friends With FMS & CFS Edwina Ayers Friends With FMS & CFS Bradenton Florida
Susanne Schaefer Susanne Schaefer Boulder Colorado
Martha Johnson Martha Johnson Boulder Colorado
Chronic Fatigue & Fibromyalgia Online Support Group Pat Gurnick, CLC, Psychotherapist, CFS/FM Survivor Chronic Fatigue & Fibromyalgia Online Support Group Boulder Colorado
Christina Justinian Christina Justinian Bothell Washington
Amarillo/Panhandle Areas Karen Berg Amarillo/Panhandle Areas Borger Texas
Northwest CFIDS Association Renee Wilkins Northwest CFIDS Association Bonney Lake Washington
Manchester Ave CFIDS/FM Support Group Cheryl O'Donnell Manchester Ave CFIDS/FM Support Group Bolton Connecticut
Mary Seroski Mary Seroski Boise Fibromyalgia Support Group Boise Idaho
renee gelfond renee gelfond Pandora Boca Raton Florida
H. M. Evans H. M. Evans Blue Springs Missouri
Anne Marie Young Anne Marie Young Bloomington Illinois
Joyce Kaye Joyce Kaye Bloomington Illinois
South Central Indiana Fibromyalgia Support Group Chris Woods South Central Indiana Fibromyalgia Support Group Bloomington Indiana
Carol Hinger-Smith Carol Hinger-Smith Blanchard Iowa
Jerry Burch Jerry Burch Arthritis Foundation Alabama Ch. Birmingham Alabama
Birmingham CFIDS Support Group Deborah Russell Birmingham CFIDS Support Group Birmingham Alabama
Billings FMS Support Group Mary Buska Billings FMS Support Group Billings Montana
Genesis Medical Center - FMS Support Group Alicia Owens Genesis Medical Center - FMS Support Group Bettendorf Iowa
Grace Platt Grace Platt Bethlehem Connecticut
Priscilla/Cathy Priscilla/Cathy CF Association Lehigh Valley PA Bethlehem Pennsylvania
Sue Sabol Sue Sabol Bethesda Maryland
Joann Gour Joann Gour East Central Mass. FMS SG (E-Cents FMS SG) Berlin Massachusetts
FMS and CFS Support Group of South Jersey FMS and CFS Support Group of South Jersey FMS and CFS Support Group of South Jersey Berlin New Jersey
Elfriede Ortiz Elfriede Ortiz Benbrook Texas
No.Country Regional Hosp.- Rehab Dept. Marlene Stenlund No.Country Regional Hosp.- Rehab Dept. Bemidji Minnesota
Ruth Clark Ruth Clark Beloit Wisconsin
Keiko Fairchild Keiko Fairchild Belleville Illinois
Fibromyalgia Association Of WV Patty Coleman Fibromyalgia Association Of WV Belle West Virginia
Jennifer Just Jennifer Just Beeville Texas
Joy Tucker Joy Tucker Bee Spring Kentucky
Susan Parker Leigh, M. Ed., CCN Susan Parker Leigh, M. Ed., CCN Beaumont Texas
CFIDS/FMS of Southeast Texas Carol Wade Fore CFIDS/FMS of Southeast Texas Beaumont Texas
Arthritis Foundation LA Chapter Arthritis Foundation LA Chapter Baton Rouge Louisiana
Mid-American FM Association M.E. Shober, RN/BSN Mid-American FM Association Barrington Illinois
CFIDS Network Of Baltimore St. Agnes Family Resource CFIDS Network Of Baltimore Baltimore Maryland
Gordon Ridgeway Gordon Ridgeway Baltimore Maryland
Angela Neumann Angela Neumann Baltimore Maryland
Deborah Thompson Deborah Thompson Baldwinsville New York
FM Support Group-Bakersfield Connie And Jim Morter FM Support Group-Bakersfield Bakersfield California
West Valley FMS Jodi Robinson or Karen Deal West Valley FMS Avondale Arizona
West Valley FMS Support Group Jody Raleigh West Valley FMS Support Group Avondale Arizona
L. Elizabeth Ulrop L. Elizabeth Ulrop Fibromyalgia Self Management Network Avon New York
Thelma Suzy Marquis Thelma Suzy Marquis Austin Texas
Allergy Elimination Clinic Dr. Margaret Owens Allergy Elimination Clinic Austin Texas
Belynda Lewis Belynda Lewis Austin Texas
Nola Thacker Nola Thacker Austin Texas
Barbara Christman, FNP Barbara Christman, FNP Austin Texas
Elizabeth Shirley, RPH. CCN Elizabeth Shirley, RPH. CCN Austin Texas
Aurora CFS/FM Support Group Karen Simmons Aurora CFS/FM Support Group Aurora Missouri
