Find a CFS/FMS Support Group

Fill in your search criteria below to search for a support group in your area. Click on the name in the search results for a complete profile of the support group. (Note: We do not ensure that this information is current. If you have a support group you would like to add, or if you are currently listed here but need to make a change in your information, please contact us.)

Namesort descending Full Name Organization City State
Dawn Klinko Dawn Klinko ELMIRA New York
Dawn Marie Surya Dawn Marie Surya Huntington West Virginia
Dawn Peed Dawn Peed Kewanee Illinois
Dawn Warburton Dawn Warburton Marstons mills Massachusetts
DeAnna Trail, MD DeAnna Trail, MD Williamsburg, Va Fibromyalgia Support Group Williamsburg Virginia
Debbie Castrinos Debbie Castrinos Therapeutic Massage Fort Lee Virginia
Debi Parsley Debi Parsley FMS/MPS Support Group of Calhoun County Oxford Alabama
Deborah Bondurant Deborah Bondurant Raleigh North Carolina
Deborah Thompson Deborah Thompson Baldwinsville New York
Dee Clement Dee Clement Fibromyalgia Support Atlanta Georgia
Dee Massengale, M.Ed Dee Massengale, M.Ed Marc Kornfield, M.D. Atlanta Georgia
Delaware County CFIDS Support Group Lesley Lane Delaware County CFIDS Support Group Aston Pennsylvania
Delco CFIDS Support group Charlotte Malloy Delco CFIDS Support group RIDLEY PARK Pennsylvania
Delnor Community Hospital - FMS Support Group Jayne Holley Delnor Community Hospital - FMS Support Group Geneva Illinois
Deloris Betsinger Deloris Betsinger Fort Worth Texas
Denise Guslea Denise Guslea Arthritis Found. Central NY Syracuse New York
Denise Tow Denise Tow Des Moines Iowa
Denyce Denyce Mesa Arizona
Donna Baker Donna Baker Rockford Illinois
Donna Boyer Donna Boyer Fibromyalgia Support Group of Boynton Beach Delray Beach Florida
Donna Lawny Donna Lawny Chicago Illinois
Donna Lee Donna Lee Leavenworth Kansas
Donna Mangum/Jenny Peterson Donna Mangum/Jenny Peterson Dixie FMS/Arthritis Support Gr. Ivins Utah
Donna Reese Donna Reese Westport Indiana
Doris Hardenburgh Doris Hardenburgh Manistee Michigan
Doris Klaus Doris Klaus Alleyton Texas
Doris Torguson Doris Torguson Rapid City South Dakota
Dorothy Emmick Dorothy Emmick Lewisport Kentucky
Dover FMS Support Group Margaret Bravar Dover FMS Support Group Durham New Hampshire
Dover FMS Support Group Donna Sgrignvoli or M. Demopoulos Dover FMS Support Group Dover New Hampshire
Dr. Ann McCampbell Dr. Ann McCampbell Santa Fe New Mexico
Dr. Michael Nett Powell O.D. Dr. Michael Nett Powell O.D. Sacramento California
Dr. Mikhail Volokitin Dr. Mikhail Volokitin New York New York
Dr. Peligrino Peligrino Dr. Peligrino Peligrino Colorado
Dr. Sharon Ostalecki Dr. Sharon Ostalecki HOPE (Helping Our Pain and Exhaustion) Novi Michigan
Dr. Yunus Yunus Dr. Yunus Yunus Colorado
Dutchess County CFIDS Support Group Margaret Fitzgibbons Dutchess County CFIDS Support Group Poughkeepsie New York
E. TX FM/CFIDS Support Group of Longview Kayraen Reeks E. TX FM/CFIDS Support Group of Longview Longview Texas
East Central MN FM/CFIDS Support Group Joe Morin East Central MN FM/CFIDS Support Group Cambridge Minnesota
East Cobb Fibromyalgia/CFS Empowerment Group Terri Smith East Cobb Fibromyalgia/CFS Empowerment Group Marietta Georgia
Eastside CFS Support Group Eastside CFS Support Group Snohomish Washington
Ed Madara Ed Madara Saint Clare\\'s Hospital Dover New Jersey
Edmonds County FSG Edmonds County FSG Edmonds Washington
Eileen Petko Eileen Petko Tamaqua Pennsylvania
Elaine Drummond Elaine Drummond Encino California
Elaine Williams Elaine Williams Owensboro Fibromyalgia S.G. Owensboro Kentucky
Eleanor Maciorowski Eleanor Maciorowski Lakewook New Jersey
Elfriede Ortiz Elfriede Ortiz Benbrook Texas
Elizabeth Shirley, RPH. CCN Elizabeth Shirley, RPH. CCN Austin Texas
